About Me Psychologist Netherlands

If you are reading this, you probably are interested whether we can be a fit for working together. Well, hello! I am Aleksandr, an English, Russian and Lithuanian-speaking psychologist and a mindfulness trainer. I work with clients all around the Netherlands – RotterdamThe Hague, Amsterdam, Leiden and other areas. Likewise, I also work online with clients from around the world.

Psychology always fascinated me. Although I also have interests in research, I was often puzzled with more practical questions. Why is this person anxious/angry/sad? Why is this person acting the way he/she does? And for all sake, how can it be better?

This fascination eventually led me to clinical psychology and, more specifically, to cognitive-behavioural therapy. I was amazed by how clearly it allows you to see the problem and recognize the ways to make a change for the better. But, in itself, it wasn’t enough for me – something was missing. The answer came a bit later when I got introduced by my supervisor to mindfulness. In the world of “do-betters” and “do-fasters”, mindfulness provides a needed open space to explore and approach. It teaches you of being a bit kinder, a bit more compassionate to yourself and others. And this ‘a bit’ actually creates some much more freedom and space to breathe.

In my work, I try to adapt my knowledge and my skills to the needs of the person in front of me. And not the other way around – everyone’s situation is different; everyone has different thoughts, feelings and values. So often it comes to exploring it together, seeing it for what it is, and then deciding on ways to make it better. And if life taught me anything, it is the fact that there is always a possibility of a bit happier, kinder, more fulfilling life.  

Aleksandr -- Psychologist


2018 - Present

Mindfulness trainer

Leading mindfulness groups both privately (South Holland and Online) and in collaboration with different teams. Training in group, individual and couple settings.

2019 - Present


Together with my clients, finding ways to solve their oncoming psychological problems. Helping them to better deal with feelings of anxiety, depression and stress. Providing services in Rotterdam, South Holland and Online.

2017, 2021

Mindfulness teacher (children and adolescence)

Working with kids of ages from 5 to 12 years old. Responsible for mindfulness program development and implementation. Teaching kids how to calm down, manage emotions, solve communication problems and improve their feeling of self-esteem.



Postgraduate Training Course in Psychotherapy (CBT)

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)


Schema Therapy (training)

An ISST-certified training course in Schema Therapy (ST)


Clinical psychology (MA)

Leiden University (The Netherlands)


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)


Psychology (BA)

Mykolo Romerio University (Lithuania)

In media

2019. Together with a colleague, Paulius Rakštikas, we created a mindfulness meditation app Pauzė (Pause). Read more about it here (in Lithuanian).

2022-2024 — DiPsyCa (Erasmus+ project). Together with a team of colleagues, we developed a training materials aimed at strengthening the digital and psychological readiness of employees to switch to
remove or hybrid work. Developed a set of tools to improve the emotional resilience of the participants.
Currently, the project is in its final year of development.

2022 — Gyvenu Gyvai (National project). Together with colleagues, we developed an extensive manual for working with Problematic Use of Internet (PUI). It was a year-long project, during which we researched the PUI topic and developed a set of guidelines for teachers and social workers on how to notice, assess, conceptualize, intervene and prevent excessive use of internet (including problematic gaming and use of social media).

Video report here. The extensive professional manual available for free here (in Lithuanian).

2021 — Emo Darna (National project). Together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals, we developed a training materials aimed at improving emotional well-being of employees (specifically teachers). It was nearly a year-long project, during which we researched, developed materials, led teachers through the training both online and live. We also published a research, investigating the benefits of this training on our target group in Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences, see here: https://doi.org/10.21595/chs.2021.22327.

Read more about the project here (in Lithuanian)

2022 January, March. I have participated as a guest on Latvian Radio, talking about how to express compassion, and how to understand truth in the light of personal bias (both in Russian)

2022 June. Together with Erasmus University students (Student Confidential Person Network) we recorded a podcast episode about active listening.

2022 March. I have given an interview to a Lithuanian newspaper for Russian-speakers about anxiety and panic attacks.

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The Benefits You Get When Visiting Psychologists Netherlands


You are concerned about whether to visit a psychologist or not. Numerous other individuals share your experience; therefore, you are not alone in this situation. You can start by visiting a Psychologist in the Netherlands that offers the top benefits.

Many people realize about visiting a mental health specialist, particularly when dealing with problems like a serious crisis, a protracted period of worry or despair, or a significant shift in their lives. A psychologist may also assist in dealing with complex family dynamics and relationship issues. Whatever your objective, therapy gives a lot of advantages to all of us.

  • The therapist offers you an impartial viewpoint that is unbiased and neutral.

When you ask family or friends for guidance, remember that their opinions are subjective and reflect their thoughts. A psychologist offers you a fair and impartial perspective.

  • It helps you deal with issues you face every day

Psychologists assist you with more than just mental health issues. They also help you in overcoming everyday challenges. Psychologists may assist you with everything, including difficulties focusing, marital or family conflict, and job advice. For instance, if you have a sleep issue, you may consult a psychologist to get better from your present situation and to get well.

  • It helps you become aware of yourself.

You get self-knowledge from consulting a psychologist, which is another advantage. Your psychologist will assist you in understanding your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and determine your strengths and shortcomings. They aid in your self-strengthening.

  • He provides you a place that allows you to talk to someone who won’t pass judgment on you.

Every person needs someone who will listen to them without passing judgment. A psychologist provides a safe zone where you can express yourself without worrying about being judged. He supports you and gives you an unbiased ear.

  • Your counselor assists you in quitting bad habits.

Another advantage to seeing a psychologist would be that the therapist would assist you in quitting your bad habits. Perhaps you have a bad habit of drinking, smoking, or even venting your rage on other people. You can get rid of these and improve yourself with the assistance of a psychologist.


No matter what difficulties you are experiencing, starting the therapy is a positive step toward leading a better, health life and living your best life. Your life changes dramatically as a result of therapy. It offers you a fresh perspective on things. Therefore, you may visit Calmkiwi website and arrange the first appointment to visit the best Psychologist Netherlands.

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